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Displaying 856 - 870 of 2218 results
La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
Para abordar el daño causado, Suncor adquirirá equipos eléctricos para césped y jardín en las comunidades vecinas afectadas.
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
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EPA Reaches Settlement with Suncor Over Clean Air Act Fuels Violations at Commerce City, Colorado Refineries
To address harm caused, Suncor will procure electric lawn and garden equipment in impacted neighboring communities
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with Suncor Over Clean Air Act Fuels Violations at Commerce City, Colorado Refineries
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Nevada-Based Thatcher Agrees to Pay Penalty, Undertake Project for Fire Department to Settle Claims of Chemical Safety Violations
Under the settlement, owner of Sparks facility will pay a penalty, purchase equipment for fire department
EPA News Release: Nevada-Based Thatcher Agrees to Pay Penalty, Undertake Project for Fire Department to Settle Claims of Chemical Safety Violations
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EPA penalizes Idaho property owner $88,000 for asbestos violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Idaho property owner $88,000 for asbestos violations
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EPA Fines Grocery Outlet $392,000 for Sale of Products Claiming to Be “Sterilizing” But Not Tested or Registered
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Grocery Outlet $392,000 for Sale of Products Claiming to Be “Sterilizing” But Not Tested or Registered
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Tadano Group to Pay $40 Million to Settle Clean Air Act Violations After Selling Noncompliant Diesel Engines
Group will also help mitigate harmful air emissions by contributing $3.2 million for a new, cleaner tugboat for the Port of Port Arthur, Texas
EPA News Release: Tadano Group to Pay $40 Million to Settle Clean Air Act Violations After Selling Noncompliant Diesel Engines
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EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
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EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
EPA News Release: EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
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Idaho Diesel Parts Companies and Owner Plead Guilty to Selling and Installing Illegal Defeat Devices and Agree to Pay $1 Million
EPA News Release: Idaho Diesel Parts Companies and Owner Plead Guilty to Selling and Installing Illegal Defeat Devices and Agree to Pay $1 Million
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EPA Joins Minnesota Leaders to Highlight Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Joins Minnesota Leaders to Highlight Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
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Fremont, Calif., Ice Processing Facility Improves Safety, Pays $169,400 Penalty, in Settlement with EPA
EPA News Release: Fremont, Calif., Ice Processing Facility Improves Safety, Pays $169,400 Penalty, in Settlement with EPA
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Tribunal ordena a empresa de Washington que cumpla con las reglamentaciones y pague USD 850 000 por almacenar de forma ilegal sustancias químicas peligrosas e infringir las leyes ambientales federales
EPA News Release: Tribunal ordena a empresa de Washington que cumpla con las reglamentaciones y pague USD 850 000 por almacenar de forma ilegal sustancias químicas peligrosas e infringir las leyes ambientales federales
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EPA fines Suncor for chemical accident prevention and reporting violations
EPA News Release: EPA fines Suncor for chemical accident prevention and reporting violations
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Court orders Washington company to comply with regulations, pay $850k for illegally storing hazardous chemicals and violating federal environmental laws
EPA News Release: Court orders Washington company to comply with regulations, pay $850k for illegally storing hazardous chemicals and violating federal environmental laws
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