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Final Decision; South Point Energy Center - Revisions to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit
Announcement of Final Decision to Issue a Revised Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit in Indian Country under the Clean Air Act to South Point Energy Center, PSD Permit Application #2021-005-PSD, Permit AZ-98-01-C .
- Geographic Locations: Tribal Lands, Southwest, Arizona
(Draft UIC Permit) Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405
A public notice of a draft UIC permit for Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Notice of Final Permit and Response to Comments Seneca Resources Company, LLC; PAS2D025BELK
EPA – Mid-Atlantic Region UIC Program is issuing its notice of a final permit for the operation of one (1) Class II-D disposal injection well located in Highland Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania.
- Geographic Locations: Mid-Atlantic, Pennsylvania
Underground Injection Control Program Aquifer Exemption Denial for Aethon Energy Operating LLC, Marlin 29-21 WDW, Fremont County, Wyoming
Aquifer Exemption Denial
- Geographic Locations: Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
(Draft UIC Permit) Hillandale Farms Conn, LLC, Franklin, CT, UI0000477
A public notice of a draft UIC permit for Hillandale Farms Conn, LLC, Franklin, CT, UI0000477.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
Texas Regional Haze Best Available Retrofit Technology Federal Implementation Plan and Cross State Air Pollution Rule Petition Response
EPA proposed a rule to address Clean Air Act requirements to protect visibility in national parks and wilderness areas by proposing emission limits for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) at 12 electric generating units (EGUs) in Texas.
- Geographic Locations: South Central, Texas
Texas Chapter 111 and Agreed Orders SIP Revision
Texas Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 111 Agreed Orders (AOs) State Implementation Plan (SIP) Disapproval Final Rule Federal Register Notice (FRN).
- Geographic Locations: Texas
El Paso Natural Gas L.L.C. (EPNG) Laguna Compressor Station Final TV Renewal Permit No. R6FOP-NM-R2-2020
Public Notice of Final Issuance of Renewed Permit
- Geographic Locations: New Mexico
Sea Port of Texas (SPOT) Deepwater Port Title V and PSD Air Permits Final Action
On August 30, 2023 EPA Region 6 took final action on permit applications for a title V operating permit and a Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit submitted by SPOT Terminal Services, LLC. Those permits have been issued.
- Geographic Locations: Gulf of Mexico, Texas
EPA Approves Permits for Wabash Carbon Services Underground Injection Wells in Indiana’s Vigo and Vermillion Counties
EPA issued permits that allow Wabash Carbon Services LLC to construct two wells for injection and storage of carbon dioxide underground
- Geographic Locations: United States
Decision to Issue Federal Synthetic Minor New Source Review Permit R6NSR-NM-001-M1 to Sandia Resort and Casino
The EPA has issued permit number R6NSR-NM-001-M1 for the Sandia Resort and Casino Facility located within the boundaries of Pueblo of Sandia sovereign lands at 30 Rainbow Road NE, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
- Geographic Locations: New Mexico
Final Permit Decision for Federal Clean Air Permit for Harvest Four Corners Los Mestenios Compressor Station
EPA is providing notice of a final permitting decision on the subject permit.
- Geographic Locations: New Mexico
MOGO-Jody Field 34-1 & 34-2 Disposal Well, Pondera County, Montana, Permit #’s MT52443-12513 & MT52439-12514
UIC Draft Permit Public Notice
- Geographic Locations: Montana, Rocky Mountains
EPA Plans to Reissue Exemption for Hazardous Waste Injection Wells
EPA plans to approve a request request from Vickery Environmental Inc. to reissue an existing exemption to the general ban to include Well No. 8 and is excepting public comments.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Ohio
The EPA’s Addition of 96 Waterbody/Pollutant Combinations to the New York 2020-2022 303(d) list
This notice announces the EPA’s decision and provides an opportunity for public comment on its addition of 96 waterbody/pollutant combinations on the New York 2020-2022 List of Impaired Waters.
- Comments Due Date: