Webinars and Trainings
What's New in With RAINE?
There is a growing need for New England communities to take action to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Since 2013, EPA Region 1 has maintained the Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE) database, a tool to enable communities to share success stories and develop strategies to adapt to climate change. In this webinar, EPA New England's RAINE Team will introduce an updated and improved map-based platform for the RAINE database. We are excited about the increased functionality and new look, which will make the tool more accessible for users like you.
The RAINE database is a searchable collection of state, regional, watershed and community-level adaptation and resilience plans, reports, and webpages in New England. Each document is tagged with relevant search criteria and highlights the progressive adaptation and resilience actions New England communities are taking to respond to climate change. Join EPA New England's RAINE Team in an exploration of this new tool and its potential to assist New England communities in identifying local climate adaptation, mitigation, and resilience-building strategies.
Adding climate data layers to RAINE can help you identify what climate impacts are being addressed in your community. Learn how to add your own climate data layers to RAINE (pdf) .