RSEI Data Dictionary: Water Geographic Microdata
The following tables provide descriptions for each field in each table. Note that for the Geographic Microdata, "Other Geographies" includes block groups, census tracts, and ZIP code files. For more information, see the RSEI methodology document and the RSEI Microdata documentation.
Water Microdata files come in two basic forms: yearly shapefiles/text files containing toxicity-weighted concentrations for each affected flowline, and all-years discharge-based text files which contain modeled concentrations for individual discharges at each downstream flowline. In both cases, on-site discharges from TRI reporters are distributed separately from discharges from publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs) resulting from off-site transfers from TRI reporters.
Water Microdata: Annual Aggregated Shapefiles |
Field Number | Name | Description |
1 | ComID | "Common Identifier" of a flowline (sub-segment of a reach)- atomic unit of reach data that matches one-to-one to NHDPlus. |
2 | ReachCode | Code for reach |
3 | ToxConc | Sum of toxicity-weighted concentrations in the flowline. Concentration is in mg/L. |
4 | Lat1 | Latitude of the 25th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus |
5 | Long1 | Longitude of the 25th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus.* |
6 | Lat2 | Latitude of the 50th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus.* |
7 | Long2 | Longitude of the 50th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus.* |
8 | Lat3 | Latitude of the 75th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus.* |
9 | Long3 | Longitude of the 75th point of the 100 that constitute a flowline in NHDPlus.* |
*Note that points may not be evenly spaced. |
Water Microdata: All Years Discharges |
Field Number | Name | Description |
1 | ReleaseNumber | Internal unique identifier for release (lookup in Releases table). |
2 | Counter | Auto-increment count of COMIDs |
3 | ComID | "Common Identifier" of a flowline (sub-segment of a reach)- atomic unit of reach data that matches one-to-one to NHDPlus. |
4 | ReachCode | Code for reach |
5 | Conc | Concentration of chemical in flowline (mg/L) |
6 | Sequence | Number defining pathway of discharge(used to indicate branching). |
7 | TravelTime | Time(s) for discharge to go from top of flowline to bottom. |
8 | TravelLength | Distance (m) for discharge to go from top of flowline to bottom. |
9 | Paths | Number of branches in stream path. |
10 | FCode | Descriptor from NHDPlus for type of flowline (e.g., pipeline, stream). |
11 | ResCode | Internal code |
12 | OTW | Oral toxicity weight for the chemical. |
13 | ToxConc | Toxicity-weighted concentration in the flowline for the discharge. Concentration is in mg/L. |
14 | NCTW | Noncancer toxicity weight for the chemical. |
15 | CTW | Cancer toxicity weight for the chemical. |
16 | Year | Year the discharge occurred. |