State and Local Energy Publications
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State and Local Energy Publications
Clean Energy Financing Programs: A Decision Resource for States and Communities
This guide is intended to help government staff understand and make decisions about clean energy financing programs for their jurisdiction.
Bringing the Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Low-Income Communities
This series of case studies and program profiles to highlight effective efforts by state and local agencies, non-profits, and utilities to bring energy efficiency and renewable energy to low-income communities.
Benchmarking and Building Performance Standards Policy Toolkit
This EPA Toolkit aims to inform and support state and local government decision makers who are exploring adopting policies focused on reducing energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing commercial and multifamily buildings in their communities.
State and Tribal Energy Publications
Quantifying the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: A Guide for State and Local Governments
This guide, updated in 2018, is intended to help state and local energy, environmental, and economic policy makers and analysts identify and quantify the energy, environmental and economic benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy. It provides a comprehensive review of these benefits, together with an analytical framework that states can use to assess those benefits during the development and implementation of clean energy policies and programs. It includes descriptions of methods, tools and resources analysts can use, key considerations and tips when assessing benefits, and examples from state and local governments.
EM&V for Energy Efficiency Policies and Initiatives
This paper describes the status of energy efficiency policies and initiatives, identify associated energy efficiency objectives, and provides discussion and examples of how evaluation, measurement and verification is typically tailored to those policies or initiatives.
State Energy and Environment Guide to Action
The 2022 edition of the State Energy and Environment Guide to Action provides in-depth information about policies and programs that states are using to meet their energy and environmental objectives. Each policy description is based on states’ experiences in designing and implementing policies.
Roadmap for Incorporating Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Policies and Programs into State and Tribal Implementation Plans
Introduces the four pathways available for incorporating energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE) policies and programs in State and Tribal Implementation Plans, answers frequently asked questions, provides basic information on how to get started and includes a decision flowchart to help agencies determine which pathway is appropriate for each EE/RE strategy.
Local Energy Publications
Clean Energy Finance: Green Banking Strategies for Local Governments
This primer provides a basic explanation of green banks, the benefits they offer, issues local governments might consider when deciding whether to create a green bank, and several case studies. It also provides information on other green banking opportunities for local governments.
Clean Energy Finance: On-bill Programs for Local Governments
This primer describes what on-bill programs are, how they work, and how local governments have supported them.
Clean Energy Finance: Using Renewable Energy Certificates to Achieve Local Environmental Goals
This primer introduces RECs, reviews the different types of RECs and how they work, and provides options for promoting or adopting RECs at the local level.
Effective Practices for Local Energy Programs
These tip sheets were inspired by the experiences and expertise of EPA local government grantees. Each tip sheet focuses on a different aspect of program implementation and highlights best practices and helpful resources and recommended resources for other communities interested in pursuing similar projects.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Low-Income Communities
This guide helps state and local staff connect with EPA initiatives that can assist them in expanding or developing their own EE/RE and climate initiatives in ways that benefit low-income communities.
Local Action Framework: A Guide to Help Communities Achieve Energy and Environmental Goals
This step-by-step guide is designed to help local and tribal governments plan, implement, and evaluate new or existing energy or environmental projects. The guide covers six interrelated energy and environmental project implementation phases: engage and communicate; develop a greenhouse gas inventory; set goals and select actions; obtain resources; take action, and track and report.
Local Program Model Design Guide
This guide was developed for local program implementers (i.e., energy efficiency, renewable energy, and combined heat and power) to help create or transition to program designs that are viable over the long term by considering how programs create and deliver value for target audiences and partners, how they raise revenue, and how they can operate cost effectively.
Local Government Strategy Series
This series provides a straightforward overview of strategies that local governments can use to achieve economic, environmental, social, and human health benefits. The series covers energy efficiency, renewable energy, transportation, community planning and design, and solid waste and materials management.