State Inventory and Projection Tool
EPA's State Inventory and Projection Tool is an interactive spreadsheet model designed to help states develop greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories and was developed to lessen the time it takes to develop an inventory (collecting data, identifying emission factors, etc.). The tool has two components: the state inventory tool and the projection tool.
Download the State Inventory and Projection Tools
What is the State Inventory Tool?
EPA's State Inventory Tool (SIT) is an interactive spreadsheet model designed to help states develop GHG emissions inventories and provides a streamlined way to update an existing inventory or complete a new inventory. The State Inventory Tool consists of 11 estimation modules applying a top-down approach to calculate GHG emissions, and one module to synthesize estimates across all modules. The SIT gives users the option of applying their own state-specific data or using default data pre-loaded for each state. The default data are gathered by federal agencies and other sources covering fossil fuels, electricity consumption, agriculture, forestry, waste management, and industry. All of the modules examine direct GHG emissions, with the exception of the electricity consumption module which estimates indirect GHG emissions from electricity consumption. The methods used and the sectors covered are the same as those in the U.S. GHG Inventory.
The goals of the State Inventory Tool
- Provide pre-loaded default data but allow for state customization.
- Increase and maximize transparency in the inventory process.
- Provide estimates for the most recent year of data availability.
- Enable sector experts to work simultaneously on different parts of the inventory.
How does the State Inventory Tool work?
Specific instructions for estimating emissions vary by emissions source and SIT module; however, the following basic steps apply for each module:
- Select a state and any default variables or emission factors used throughout each module.
- Complete calculation worksheets by selecting to use default data or entering state-specific data.
- View results in both tabular and graphic formats.
- Export results (for use in reports, or to use in the Synthesis module and Projection Tool).
Samples of Analyses and Reports
- State CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion
- New Jersey Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Updates
- Iowa's Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report
What is the Projection Tool?
The Projection Tool allows users to create a simple forecast of emissions through 2050 based on historical emissions (imported from the SIT modules) and projections of future energy consumption, population, and economic factors. A separate energy tool is available to help states project fossil fuel consumption.
Who should use the State Inventory and Projection Tool?
The SIT and Projection Tool calculates U.S. state-level estimates only and is most appropriate for use by state agencies or other groups seeking to develop a State GHG inventory. The tool provides an aggregated total for each sector at the state-level, and does not include emissions for specific power plants, industrial facilities, other point sources, localities, or other countries.
People interested in emissions from specific facilities should consult EPA's GHG Reporting Program (GHGRP) data set. The data set includes public information from facilities in nine industry groups that directly emit large quantities of GHGs, as well as suppliers of certain fossil fuels and is available on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Data page.