Lifecycle of a WRAP Action
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Action Idea Formulation
The National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) is designed to be iterative so that it can respond to needs and challenges surrounding reuse. The ability to add new actions is one way that the WRAP stays current.
We welcome the water community to propose and lead new actions that advance water reuse planning and implementation. Proposed WRAP actions are introduced as frequently as once a quarter in the WRAP Quarterly Update. We encourage you to reach out to the EPA's Water Reuse Team ([email protected]) to discuss next steps.
Elements of an Action
When proposing an idea and delivering an action plan for potential inclusion in the WRAP, it is helpful to assess whether the action generally aligns with WRAP action attributes (e.g., applicable, results-oriented, priority). Fully formed action plans should contain each of these key descriptive action elements:
- Action title. Brief descriptive title of the action.
- WRAP strategic theme area. The strategic theme to which the action most closely aligns.
- Brief description of the action. A summary of what will be done.
- Background. Brief context for the action.
- Opportunities to be gained. The impact, results, and/or outcomes desired.
- Action leader(s). The entity and person with the critical role of facilitating/convening/organizing to ensure implementation of the action and routine reporting of progress.
- Partner(s). The name of the organization(s) collaborating with the action leader(s) to complete this action.
- Implementation milestones. The explicit steps to be taken to initiate, convene, and support the action, including milestone lead(s), partner(s), and target completion dates.
Provide Input on Newly Released Actions
Newly released actions are found in the WRAP Quarterly Update, as well as in the WRAP Online Platform. Your feedback on these newest actions can help inform the scope and potential action team collaborators before these actions fully get underway. Following the release of a Quarterly Update, the water reuse community is encouraged to reach out to action leaders to learn more or contribute to the newly released actions. Feedback sent to [email protected] can help the Water Reuse Team and action leaders by:
- Identifying potential action team collaborators to support scoping and implementation of these actions.
- Contributing perspective and commentary to inform action development.
- Potentially contributing to implementation milestones.
As documented in the WRAP Online Platform, actions will continually be updated to reflect the latest developments and activity.
Action Implementation
Action implementation is kicked off with action team collaborators. The team regularly communicates progress in completing and adding milestones. Progress and action outputs are iteratively reflected on the WRAP Online Platform and shared through various WRAP communication channels.
Completing a WRAP Action
When WRAP action team collaborators have communicated total completion of their identified milestones, the Water Reuse Team works with action leaders to determine if future milestones are warranted or if the effort can be identified as complete. An action can be considered complete when the action team determines that the stated objectives have been met. This does not necessarily mean that work on that aspect of water reuse will cease as many actions were developed to support long-term activity. Once an action is considered complete, the Water Reuse Team will work with action leaders to write a short summary highlighting accomplishments, impact, and potential future activities. This summary is used to document progress, share information, and identify topics for future actions.