National Water Reuse Action Plan: Online Platform

The Online Platform contains the most up-to-date information on WRAP actions that represent the collaborative efforts of more than 100 partner organizations. WRAP actions seek to advance the consideration of reuse to improve the security, sustainability, and resilience of our nation’s water resources, especially in the face of a changing climate. This platform aims to help interested parties identify opportunities to join in collective action and contribute their expertise to the effort. EPA invites the contributions of both new and current partners to continue to expand the content and ambitions contained within this Action Plan.
This platform contains all actions associated with the WRAP. Through communication with action leaders, the information is updated weekly to convey progress, including completion of implementation milestones, new entities collaborating on actions, and links to relevant action outputs.
The platform reflects the latest additions of newly released actions that are introduced as frequently as once per quarter for public feedback. For a compiled list of completed actions and accompanying summary documents of their accomplishments, please refer to the Completed WRAP Action Summaries page.
For more information about how to get involved with the National Water Reuse Action Plan or to join the WRAP team listserv for periodic updates, please reach out to action leaders and partners, including EPA's team ([email protected]).
Links to websites outside of the EPA website are provided for the convenience of the user. Inclusion of information about a website, an organization, a product, or a service does not represent endorsement or approval by EPA, nor does it represent EPA opinion, policy or guidance unless specifically indicated. EPA does not exercise any editorial control over the information that may be found at any non-EPA website.