The Western Brownfields Wire (WBWire)
The Western Brownfields Wire (WBWire) is an EPA newsletter about brownfields assessment, cleanup and revitalization efforts in the western United States. This page contains recent versions from 2022 - 2024.
Fall 2024 (pdf)
The Fall 2024 edition of the WBWire features the FY25 Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) grant guidelines, technical assistance opportunities, upcoming webinars on grant guidelines, Build America Buy America (BABA) guidance, and lead demolition updates and funding sources. This edition also features the wonderful Brownfields accomplishments from FY24 and highlights several successful Brownfields projects in North Dakota, Colorado, and Montana.
Spring 2024 (pdf)
The Spring 2024 edition of the WBWire highlights EPA's announcement that Region 8 communities will receive $11.8 million in Assessment, Multipurpose, and Cleanup grants. It also includes grant funding opportunities, EPA grant and job training updates, grantee resources, Region 8 success stories, a StoryMap from Cañon City, Colorado, and welcomes the new Region 8 Brownfields team members.
Fall 2023 (pdf)
This Fall 2023 edition of the WBWire features FY 2024 Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup (MAC) grant guidelines, KSU assistance opportunities, upcoming workshops and trainings, specific TBA and Job Training updates, and highlights from the Brownfields Conferences this past year. This WBWire also features the impressive Brownfields accomplishments from 2022-2023, highlights several successful projects from Montana, and links to the new Utah StoryMap that shows recent redevelopment projects in Utah.
Spring 2023 (pdf)
The spring edition of the WBWire highlights EPA's announcement that Region 8 communities will receive $17.5 million in assessment and cleanup funds. This is the largest amount of competitive Brownfields funding ever awarded to Region 8 communities in a single year. The WBWire also highlights successful projects from Missoula, Montana and the Fort Peck Reservation, plus information about the open solicitation for Job Training grants.
Fall 2022 (pdf)
This WBWire includes news about the Assessment, Cleanup, Multipurpose and RLF grant announcement for fiscal year 2023; technical assistance for completing grant proposals; additional grant opportunities from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law; Region 8 grantees who spoke at the recent national brownfields conference; highlights from around the region; and new additions to the EPA Region 8 Brownfields Team.
Spring 2022 (pdf)
This WBWire features exciting news about the spring grant announcement, grant opportunities from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, brownfields technical assistance available to communities, and information about upcoming conferences including the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum and the National Brownfields Conference.