CAA Permitting in Montana
Clean Air Act permitting in Montana is the responsibility of the Air Program within the Air, Energy and Mining Division of Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
Responsible Area
Statewide, except in Indian Country, where EPA Region 8 is the permitting authority
Agency Office
Air Program
Air, Energy and Mining Division, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
1520 E. 6th Avenue, P.O. Box 200901
Helena, Montana 59620-0901
(406) 444-2544
Fax: (406) 444-4386
TTY line for the hearing impaired: (406) 444-9526
Air Permitting Information and Contacts
Public Notices - Air Quality Permits
Montana Air Permitting, Permitting Section Supervisor (Acting)
Craig Henrikson ([email protected])
(406) 444-6711
EPA Permit Program Oversight Contact
DJ Law ([email protected])
(303) 312-7015
EPA-Approved/Delegated Authorities
Federal Construction Permit Authority
Federal Title V Operating Permit Authority
Title V Program Approval History
Delegations of Authority for NSPS/NESHAP/MACT