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Displaying 1546 - 1560 of 2219 results
EPA Announces $500K infunds to Revitalize Communities in Alaska
Funds part of a $254 Million Nationwide effort to tackle polluted Brownfield sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500K infunds to Revitalize Communities in Alaska
- Release Date:
Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
Tribe among 265 communities nationwide communities to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
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Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
SMDC, GFDA, Bear Paw Development and HRCD among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
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Three Utah organizations to receive nearly $6 million to advance environmental cleanups
Utah DEQ, City of Green River and Salt Lake County among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Three Utah organizations to receive nearly $6 million to advance environmental cleanups
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Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to receive $2 million to advance environmental cleanups
CDPHE among 265 selected nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to receive $2 million to advance environmental cleanups
- Release Date:
MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA Press Event Announcing $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA Press Event Announcing $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA, States, and MRCTI Mayors Hold Mississippi River Corridor Summit on Historic Water Infrastructure Funding
Local leaders discussed water infrastructure needs and challenges in competing for State Revolving Funds
EPA News Release: EPA, States, and MRCTI Mayors Hold Mississippi River Corridor Summit on Historic Water Infrastructure Funding
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EPA Announces $65 Million in WIFIA Loans to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Multnomah County, Oregon
Funding to Rockwood Water People’s Utility District and City of Gresham will support Cascade Groundwater Development Program project
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $65 Million in WIFIA Loans to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Multnomah County, Oregon
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EPA order enforces trash prevention safeguards in Montebello, protecting Los Angeles waterways
EPA News Release: EPA order enforces trash prevention safeguards in Montebello, protecting Los Angeles waterways
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New Enforcement Strategy Advances President Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda
Justice Department, EPA Launch Comprehensive Environmental Justice Enforcement Strategy and Restore Option for Supplemental Environmental Projects to Help Communities
EPA News Release: New Enforcement Strategy Advances President Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda
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Nueva estrategia de implementación de la ley promueve la Agenda de Justicia Ambiental del presidente Biden
El Departamento de Justicia y la EPA lanzan una estrategia integral de implementación de la ley de justicia ambiental y restablecen la opción de los Proyectos Ambientales Complementarios para ayudar a las comunidades
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA News Release: Nueva estrategia de implementación de la ley promueve la Agenda de Justicia Ambiental del presidente Biden
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EPA Announces $281 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure in Johnson County, Kansas
Nationally, 77 WIFIA loans are financing nearly $30 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 89,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $281 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure in Johnson County, Kansas
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EPA Announces $40 Million from Infrastructure Law for Chesapeake Bay Restoration
First of Five-Year Funding Totaling $238 Million
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $40 Million from Infrastructure Law for Chesapeake Bay Restoration
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Administrator Regan to Join Secretary Raimondo, Congressman Clyburn, and Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Landrieu, to Highlight Infrastructure Needs in Rural South Carolina
EPA News Release: Administrator Regan to Join Secretary Raimondo, Congressman Clyburn, and Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Landrieu, to Highlight Infrastructure Needs in Rural South Carolina
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EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
EPA News Release: EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
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