Grants Reporting and Tracking System (GRTS)
GRTS is the Nonpoint Source Management Program’s primary tool for project reporting, data collection, and records maintenance. It houses information on where NPS projects are being implemented, how effective projects are at meeting goals, and highlights success stories.
Grantees of §319(h) funds, are required to track their spending on NPS management projects and report to EPA progress toward meeting pollution reduction goals. GRTS is designed to support these efforts to oversee grant spending and environmental progress by tracking §319(h) records, projects, and programmatic work. Furthermore, the system integrates 319 program information with other EPA data systems, such as How’s My Waterway, for integrated watershed management.
§319(h) grant data entry for grantees: go to GRTS.
Nonpoint Source Watershed Projects Data Explorer
The Data Explorer is a useful tool for interested community members, local watershed partner, and other non-governmental stakeholders to understand the work being done in their watersheds to restore and protect water quality. To explore the nonpoint source projects and success stories with an interactive map and integrated reports, click on the map.
§319(h) Projects in Your Community
Explore your community for Nonpoint Source projects. Enter a location in the widget below to find out about nonpoint source projects anywhere in the U.S.
Grab the code here to host it on your website.