Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations at Superfund Sites
A Ready for Reuse (RfR) determination provides a technical determination that a site is “ready for reuse” and will remain protective for that use, so long as any use limitations established by EPA continue to be met. An RfR Determination summarizes information about the site that supports the determination that all or a portion of a property at a site can support specified types of uses while remaining protective of human health and the environment.
Use of RfR Determinations has proven to be valuable for helping to eliminate confusion over what future uses are appropriate at a site. Developing an RfR Determination presents an opportunity not only to reaffirm the institutional controls (ICs) selected in a site’s decision documents, but also the potential to create an additional layer of IC protection.
For questions about an RfR Determination for a specific site, interested parties should contact that sites' Remedial Project Manager in the appropriate EPA Regional Office.
- Visiting an EPA Regional Office
- Transmittal Memo (PDF)
- RfR Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Guidance for Preparing Superfund Ready for Reuse Determinations (PDF)
- Guiding Principles for Incorporating "Ready for Use" into OSWER Waste Cleanup Programs (PDF)
Example RfR Determinations Developed for Superfund Sites
Local officials, developers and EPA staff in Regional offices say that RfR Determinations have played an important role in the reuse of sites and serve many beneficial purposes. RfR Determinations provide information about land use restrictions and other institutional controls that protect remedies and make sure sites are reused safely. RfR Determinations can also help improve local economic conditions by encouraging reuse. Sites that have received RfR Determinations include: