Chemical Suppliers and Manufacturers Locator Tool
The Water Treatment Chemical Suppliers and Manufacturers Locator Tool allows water and wastewater utilities to search for suppliers and manufacturers across the U.S. that may be able to fulfill their chemical supply needs and increase resilience to supply chain disruptions. This tool can be useful to water and wastewater utilities in finding alternative chemical suppliers in the case of supply chain shortages.
The Locator Tool is password protected and can only be accessed by drinking water and wastewater utilities, federal, state, and local agencies.
To access the tool, follow the steps below.

- Create an account at:
- Enter your first and last name, organizational email, and organization.
- Choose “OW Chemical Supplier and Manufacturer Locator” in the “Response/Project” field, pictured top right.
- Within 1-2 business days you will receive an email to reset your password.
- Once you create a password, access the tool at the link below.
- Click the arrow to the right of “ArcGIS login,” pictured bottom right.
- You will now be able to enter your username and password and view the map. Select, “Keep me signed in” to stay signed in.
If you experience any issues creating an account or accessing the tool, please contact [email protected].