View the Indicators
EPA has developed more than 50 climate change indicators that show changes over time and include more than 100 figures as graphs and maps. View the indicators by selecting a topic area or search using the table below.
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Greenhouse Gases
Learn about the greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. EPA’s indicators track emissions of these gases and their warming effects.
Weather & Climate
Explore long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events such as heat waves, hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
Examine the warming of the world’s oceans, along with changes in sea level, coastal flooding, and ocean acidity.
Snow & Ice
Discover trends in the Earth’s frozen features, including snow, ice sheets, glaciers, permafrost, and the freezing and thawing of oceans and lakes.
Health & Society
Explore how climate change is affecting human health, including changes in infectious diseases, heat- and cold-related deaths and hospitalizations, the agricultural growing season, and more.
See how climate change is affecting ecosystems, including wildfires, lake and stream temperatures, plant growth, bird migrations, and more.
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You can use the table below to quickly find an indicator or figure of interest. Filter the list by topic or geographic coverage, search by keyword, or sort and browse by clicking any column in the top row of the table. Click the link in the "Indicator" column to navigate to a particular indicator. To find figures that include information on a particular state, enter the state name in the “Search” box.
Topic | Indicator | Figure Title | Timeframe | Geographic Coverage | Type of Display | Keywords | States |
Snow and Ice | Alaskan River Ice | Figure 1. Ice Breakup Dates for Three Alaskan Rivers | 1896–2024 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ice; river; fresh water | Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Antarctic Sea Ice | Figure 1. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent | 1979–2024 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; Antarctic; melt; | ||
Snow and Ice | Arctic Glaciers | Figure 1. Mass Balance of Arctic Glaciers | 1945–2023 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; glacier; ice; Arctic; melt; ocean; | ||
Snow and Ice | Arctic Sea Ice | Figure 1. Arctic Sea Ice Extent | 1979–2024 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; Arctic; melt; ocean | Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Arctic Sea Ice | Figure 2. Age of Arctic Sea Ice | 1984–2024 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; Arctic; melt; ocean | Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Arctic Sea Ice | Figure 3. Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season | 1979–2023 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; Arctic; melt; ocean | Alaska | |
Greenhouse Gases | Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases | Figure 1. Atmospheric Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide | ~800,000 BCE–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; atmosphere; concentration; carbon dioxide | Alaska; Hawaii | |
Greenhouse Gases | Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases | Figure 2. Atmospheric Concentrations of Methane | ~800,000 BCE–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; atmosphere; concentration; carbon dioxide | Alaska; Hawaii | |
Greenhouse Gases | Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases | Figure 3. Atmospheric Concentrations of Nitrous Oxide | ~800,000 BCE–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; atmosphere; concentration; carbon dioxide | Alaska; Hawaii | |
Greenhouse Gases | Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases | Figure 4. Atmospheric Concentrations of Selected Halogenated Gases | 1978–2022 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; atmosphere; concentration; carbon dioxide | ||
Greenhouse Gases | Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases | Figure 5. Atmospheric Concentrations of Ozone | 1979–2020 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; atmosphere; concentration; carbon dioxide | ||
Ecosystems | Bird Wintering Ranges | Figure 1. Change in Latitude of Bird Center of Abundance | 1966–2013 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; bird; range; migration | ||
Ecosystems | Bird Wintering Ranges | Figure 2. Change in Distance to Coast of Bird Center of Abundance | 1966–2013 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; bird; range; migration | ||
Ecosystems | Black Guillemot | Figure 1. Black Guillemot Breeding Pairs | 1972–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; bird; breeding | Alaska | |
Ecosystems | Cherry Blossom Bloom Dates in Washington, D.C. | Figure 1. Peak Bloom Date for Cherry Trees | 1921–2024 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; bloom; ecosystem; flower | District of Columbia; DC | |
Greenhouse Gases | Climate Forcing | Figure 1. Radiative Forcing Caused by Greenhouse Gases | 1979–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; climate; forcing; carbon dioxide; AGGI | ||
Greenhouse Gases | Climate Forcing | Figure 2. Radiative Forcing Caused by Human Activities | 1750–2011 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; climate; forcing; carbon dioxide; AGGI | ||
Oceans | Coastal Flooding | Figure 1. Frequency of Flooding | 1950–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; flooding; coast; | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Florida; Georgia; North Carolina; South Carolina; Virginia; Texas; Washington; California | |
Oceans | Coastal Flooding | Figure 2. Number of Coastal Flood Events | 1950–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; flooding; coast; | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Florida; Georgia; North Carolina; South Carolina; Virginia; Texas; Washington; California | |
Oceans | Coastal Land Loss | Figure 1. Land Loss Along the Atlantic Coast | 1996–2011 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; sea level; rise; Atlantic; coast | ||
Oceans | Coastal Land Loss | Figure 2. Land Submergence Along the Atlantic Coast | 1996–2011 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; sea level; rise; Atlantic; coast | ||
Health and Society | Cold-Related Deaths | Figure 1. Deaths Classified as Cold-Related | 1979–2016 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; cold; mortality; death | ||
Weather and Climate | Drought | Figure 1. Drought Conditions - Palmer Index | 1895–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; drought; dry; extreme | ||
Weather and Climate | Drought | Figure 2. Drought Conditions - SPEI | 1900-2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; drought; dry; extreme | ||
Weather and Climate | Drought | Figure 3. Change in Drought (Five-Year SPEI) | 1900–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; drought; dry; extreme | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | Drought | Figure 4. U.S. Lands Under Drought Conditions | 2000–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; drought; dry; extreme | ||
Snow and Ice | Freeze-Thaw Conditions | Figure 1. Number of Unfrozen Days in the U.S. | 1979–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; freeze; thaw; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Freeze-Thaw Conditions | Figure 2. Number of Unfrozen Days in Alaska | 1979–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; freeze; thaw; fresh water | Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Freeze-Thaw Conditions | Figure 3. Total Change in Unfrozen Days | 1979–2023 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; freeze; thaw; fresh water | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Glacier National Park | Figure 1. Total Glacier Surface Area | 1966–2015 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; glacier; snow; ice; melt; fresh water | Montana | |
Snow and Ice | Glacier National Park | Figure 2. Change in Glacier Surface Area | 1966–2015 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; glacier; snow; ice; melt; fresh water | Montana | |
Snow and Ice | Glaciers | Figure 1. Cumulative Mass Balance of "Reference" Glaciers Worldwide | 1956–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; glacier; mountain; melt; fresh water | Washington; Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Glaciers | Figure 2. Cumulative Mass Balance of Four U.S. Glaciers | 1952–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; glacier; mountain; melt; fresh water | ||
Greenhouse Gases | Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas | 1990–2015 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Greenhouse Gases | Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector | 1990–2015 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Greenhouse Gases | Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 3. Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Region | 1990–2021 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; global; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Snow and Ice | Great Lakes Ice Cover | Figure 1. Maximum Ice-Covered Area | 1973–2020 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ice; fresh water; freeze; thaw; lake | New York; Pennsylvania; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin | |
Snow and Ice | Great Lakes Ice Cover | Figure 2. Duration of Ice Cover | 1973–2020 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ice; fresh water; freeze; thaw; lake | New York; Pennsylvania; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin | |
Snow and Ice | Great Lakes Ice Cover | Figure 3. Change in Ice Cover Duration | 1973–2019 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ice; fresh water; freeze; thaw; lake | New York; Pennsylvania; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin | |
Ecosystems | Great Lakes Water Levels and Temperatures | Figure 1. Water Levels | 1860–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; depth; water; level; temperature; lake; fresh water | New York; Pennsylvania; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin | |
Ecosystems | Great Lakes Water Levels and Temperatures | Figure 2. Surface Water Temperatures | 1995–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; depth; water; level; temperature; lake; fresh water | New York; Pennsylvania; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin | |
Health and Society | Growing Degree Days | Figure 1. Change in Growing Degree Days | 1948–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; growing; ecosystem; health; pollen; plant | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | Heat Waves | Figure 1. Heat Wave Characteristics by Decade | 1961–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; heat; health | ||
Weather and Climate | Heat Waves | Figure 2. Heat Wave Characteristics in Large Cities | 1961–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; heat; health | Connecticut; Maryland; Massachusetts; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Alabama; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Oklahoma; Texas; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Hawaii; U.S. Caribbean | |
Weather and Climate | Heat Waves | Figure 3. Heat Wave Index | 1961–2021 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; heat; health | ||
Health and Society | Heating and Cooling Degree Days | Figure 1. Heating and Cooling Degree Days | 1895–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; energy; heat; air conditioning | ||
Health and Society | Heating and Cooling Degree Days | Figure 2. Change in Heating Degree Days | 1895–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; energy; heat; air conditioning | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Heating and Cooling Degree Days | Figure 3. Change in Cooling Degree Days | 1895–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; energy; heat; air conditioning | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Heat-Related Deaths | Figure 1. Deaths Classified as "Heat-Related" | 1979–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; mortality; death | ||
Health and Society | Heat-Related Deaths | Figure 2. Summer Deaths Due to Heat and Cardiovascular Disease | 1999–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; mortality; death | ||
Health and Society | Heat-Related Illnesses | Figure 1. Heat-Related Hospitalizations | 2001–2010 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; illness; | ||
Health and Society | Heat-Related Illnesses | Figure 2. Rate of Heat-Related Hospitalizations | 2001–2010 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; illness; | Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; Florida; Louisiana; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Iowa; Minnesota; Missouri; Wisconsin; Kansas; Oregon; Washington; California; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Heat-Related Illnesses | Figure 3. Heat-Related Hospitalizations by Sex and Age | 2001–2010 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; illness; | ||
Health and Society | Heat-Related Workplace Deaths | Figure 1. Heat-Related Workplace Deaths in the United States | 1992-2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; heat; illness; | ||
Weather and Climate | Heavy Precipitation | Figure 1. Extreme One-Day Precipitation Events | 1910–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; heavy; precipitation; rain; fresh water | ||
Weather and Climate | Heavy Precipitation | Figure 2. Unusually High Annual Precipitation | 1895–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; heavy; precipitation; rain; fresh water | ||
Weather and Climate | High and Low Temperatures | Figure 1. Unusually Hot Summer Temperatures | 1910–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; record; heat. | ||
Weather and Climate | High and Low Temperatures | Figure 2. Unusually Cold Winter Temperatures | 1911–2024 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; record; heat. | ||
Weather and Climate | High and Low Temperatures | Figure 3. Change in Unusually Hot Temperatures | 1948–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; record; heat. | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | High and Low Temperatures | Figure 4. Change in Unusually Cold Temperatures | 1948–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; record; heat. | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | High and Low Temperatures | Figure 5. Record Daily Temperatures | 1950–2009 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; record; heat. | ||
Snow and Ice | Ice Sheets | Figure 1. Cumulative Mass Balance of Greenland and Antarctica | 1992–2023 | Polar regions | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; melt; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Lake Ice | Figure 1. Date of First Freeze for Selected Lakes | 1850–2019 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; lake; freeze; thaw; fresh water | New York; Minnesota; Wisconsin | |
Snow and Ice | Lake Ice | Figure 2. Date of Ice Thaw for Selected Lakes | 1840–2019 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; lake; freeze; thaw; fresh water | Maine; New York; Minnesota; Wisconsin | |
Snow and Ice | Lake Ice | Figure 3. Change in Ice Thaw Dates for Selected Lakes | 1905–2019 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; lake; freeze; thaw; fresh water | Maine; New York; Minnesota; Wisconsin | |
Ecosystems | Lake Temperature | Figure 1. Change in Summer Surface Water Temperatures of Lakes | 1985–2009 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; water; lake; temperature; fresh water | New York; Pennsylvania; Florida; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin; California; Nevada; Utah; Alaska | |
Ecosystems | Leaf and Bloom Dates | Figure 1. First Leaf and Bloom Dates in the Contiguous United States | 1900–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; leaf; bloom; phenology | ||
Ecosystems | Leaf and Bloom Dates | Figure 2. First Leaf and Bloom Dates in Alaska | 1950-2023 | Alaska | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; leaf; bloom; phenology | ||
Ecosystems | Leaf and Bloom Dates | Figure 3. Change in First Leaf Date | 1951–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; leaf; bloom; phenology | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska | |
Ecosystems | Leaf and Bloom Dates | Figure 4. Change in First Bloom Date | 1951–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; leaf; bloom; phenology | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska | |
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 1. Length of Growing Season | 1895–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | ||
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 2. Length of Growing Season, Western vs. Eastern U.S. | 1895–2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | ||
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 3. Change in Length of Growing Season | 1895–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 4. Timing of Last Spring Frost and First Fall Frost | 1895–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | ||
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 5. Change in Timing of Last Spring Frost | 1895–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Length of Growing Season | Figure 6. Change in Timing of First Fall Frost | 1895–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; growing; season; agriculture | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Health and Society | Lyme Disease | Figure 1. Lyme Disease Cases | 1992–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; Lyme; tick | ||
Health and Society | Lyme Disease | Figure 2. Lyme Disease Cases by State | 2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; Lyme; tick | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Minnesota; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; Wisconsin | |
Health and Society | Lyme Disease | Figure 3. Change in Lyme Disease Incidence | 1996–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; Lyme; tick | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Minnesota; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; Wisconsin | |
Oceans | Marine Heat Waves | Figure 1. Change in Annual Cumulative Intensity of Marine Heat Waves | 1982–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Oceans | Marine Heat Waves | Figure 2. Change in Cumulative Intensity of Marine Heat Waves by Season | 1982-2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Oceans | Marine Heat Waves | Figure 3. Areas Affected by Marine Heat Waves by U.S. Coastal Region | 1982-2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Oceans | Marine Heat Waves | Figure 4. Marine Heat Wave Intensity and Duration at Five Marine Protected Areas | 1982-2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Ecosystems | Marine Species Distribution | Figure 1. Change in Latitude and Depth of Marine Species | 1974–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; shellfish; fish; marine species; distribution; depth; | Alaska | |
Ecosystems | Marine Species Distribution | Figure 2. Location of Fish and Shellfish Species, Northeast U.S. | 1974–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; shellfish; fish; marine species; distribution; depth; | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Rhode Island; Virginia | |
Ecosystems | Marine Species Distribution | Figure 3. Location of Fish and Shellfish Species, Bering Sea | 1985–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; shellfish; fish; marine species; distribution; depth; | Alaska | |
Ecosystems | Marine Species Distribution | Figure 4. Location of Fish Species, Southeast | 1989–2019 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; shellfish; fish; marine species; distribution; depth; | Florida; Georgia; North Carolina; South Carolina | |
Oceans | Ocean Acidity | Figure 1. Ocean Carbon Dioxide Levels and Acidity | 1983–2022 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; acidity; acidification; coral; pH | Hawaii | |
Oceans | Ocean Acidity | Figure 2. Changes in Aragonite Saturation of Oceans | 1880–2015 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; acidity; acidification; coral; pH | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Rhode Island; Alabama; Florida; Georgia; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Virginia; Texas; Oregon; Washington; California; Alaska; Hawaii; U.S. Caribbean | |
Oceans | Ocean Heat | Figure 1. Heat Content in Top 700 Meters of Oceans | 1955–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Oceans | Ocean Heat | Figure 2. Heat Content in Top 2,000 Meters of Oceans | 1955–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; heat; warmer | ||
Snow and Ice | Permafrost | Figure 1. Permafrost Temperatures | 1978–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; permafrost; freeze; thaw; temperature | Alaska | |
Snow and Ice | Permafrost | Figure 2. Changes in Permafrost Temperatures | 1978–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; permafrost; freeze; thaw; temperature | Alaska | |
Health and Society | Ragweed Pollen Season | Figure 1. Change in Ragweed Pollen Season | 1995–2015 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; ragweed; pollen; allergy | Arkansas; Minnesota; Missouri; Wisconsin; Nebraska; North Dakota; Oklahoma; Texas | |
Health and Society | Residential Energy Use | Figure 1. Residential Summer Electricity Use and Summer Cooling Degree Days | 1973–2024 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; electricity; energy; natural gas; temperature; season | ||
Health and Society | Residential Energy Use | Figure 2. Residential Winter Natural Gas Use and Winter Heating Degree Days | 1974–2024 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; electricity; energy; natural gas; temperature; season | ||
Weather and Climate | River Flooding | Figure 1. Change in the Magnitude of River Flooding | 1965–2015 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; river; flooding; fresh water | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Weather and Climate | River Flooding | Figure 2. Change in the Frequency of River Flooding | 1965–2015 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; river; flooding; fresh water | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Oceans | Sea Level | Figure 1. Absolute Sea Level Change | 1880–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; sea level; rise | ||
Oceans | Sea Level | Figure 2. Relative Sea Level Change | 1960–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; sea level; rise | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Florida; Georgia; Louisiana; North Carolina; South Carolina; Virginia; Texas; Oregon; Washington; California; Alaska; Hawaii; U.S. Caribbean | |
Oceans | Sea Surface Temperature | Figure 1. Sea Surface Temperature | 1880–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; sea; surface; temperature | ||
Oceans | Sea Surface Temperature | Figure 2. Change in Sea Surface Temperature | 1901–2022 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ocean; sea; surface; temperature | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Rhode Island; Alabama; Florida; Georgia; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Virginia; Texas; Oregon; Washington; California; Alaska; Hawaii; U.S. Caribbean | |
Weather and Climate | Seasonal Temperature | Figure 1. Annual Temperatures by Season | 1896–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; season | ||
Weather and Climate | Seasonal Temperature | Figure 2. Change in Seasonal Temperatures by State | 1896–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; season | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | Seasonal Temperature | Figure 3. Change in Temperatures by Season | 1896–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; season | ||
Snow and Ice | Snow Cover | Figure 1. Snow-Covered Area | 1972–2023 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; cover; extent; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Snow Cover | Figure 2. Snow-Covered Area by Season | 1972–2023 | North America | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; cover; extent; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Snow Cover | Figure 3. Length of Snow Cover Season | 1972–2013 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; cover; extent; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Snowfall | Figure 1. Change in Total Snowfall | 1930–2007 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; precipitation; snowfall; fresh water | Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New; Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Arkansas; Kentucky; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Snow and Ice | Snowfall | Figure 2. Change in Snow-to-Precipitation Ratio | 1949–2024 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; precipitation; snowfall; fresh water | Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Colorado; Nevada; Utah | |
Snow and Ice | Snowpack | Figure 1. Trends in April Snowpack | 1955–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; snowpack; mountain; depth; fresh water | Montana; South Dakota; Wyoming; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Snow and Ice | Snowpack | Figure 2. Change in Peak Snowpack Timing | 1982–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; snowpack; mountain; depth; fresh water | Montana; Wyoming; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Snow and Ice | Snowpack | Figure 3. Date of Peak Snowpack | 1982–2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; snowpack; mountain; depth; fresh water | ||
Snow and Ice | Snowpack | Figure 4. Change in Snowpack Season Length | 1982–2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; snow; ice; snowpack; mountain; depth; fresh water | Montana; Wyoming; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Ecosystems | Stream Temperature | Figure 1. Changes in Stream Water Temperatures | 1960–2014 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; stream; water; temperature; fresh water | Delaware; Maryland; Pennsylvania; Virginia | |
Ecosystems | Streamflow | Figure 1. Seven-Day Low Streamflows | 1940–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; streamflow; water; snowmelt; fresh water | Connecticut; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Kansas; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Streamflow | Figure 2. Three-Day High Streamflows | 1940–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; streamflow; water; snowmelt; fresh water | Connecticut; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Kansas; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Streamflow | Figure 3. Annual Average Streamflow | 1940–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; streamflow; water; snowmelt; fresh water | Connecticut; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Kansas; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Streamflow | Figure 4. Timing of Winter-Spring Runoff | 1940–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; streamflow; water; snowmelt; fresh water | Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York; Vermont; Michigan; Montana; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Ecosystems | Streamflow | Figure 5. Number of Days with Very Low Streamflow | 1940–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; streamflow; water; snowmelt; fresh water | Connecticut; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Kansas; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; California; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Weather and Climate | Temperature and Drought in the Southwest | Figure 1. Change in Average Temperatures | 2000–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; drought | Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah | |
Weather and Climate | Temperature and Drought in the Southwest | Figure 2. Southwestern Lands Under Drought Conditions | 2000–2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; drought | ||
Weather and Climate | Temperature and Drought in the Southwest | Figure 3. Drought Severity | 1895–2023 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; temperature; drought | ||
Ecosystems | Tribal Connection: Trends in Stream Temperature in the Snake River | Figure 1. August Water Temperatures | 1960–2022 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; stream; water; temperature; salmon; Snake River; | Washington | |
Weather and Climate | Tropical Cyclone Activity | Figure 1. Number of Hurricanes | 1878–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; hurricane; storm; extreme | ||
Weather and Climate | Tropical Cyclone Activity | Figure 2. Tropical Cyclone Activity - ACE Index | 1950–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; hurricane; storm; extreme | ||
Weather and Climate | Tropical Cyclone Activity | Figure 3. Tropical Cyclone Activity - PDI | 1949–2022 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; hurricane; storm; extreme | ||
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Precipitation | Figure 1. Precipitation in the U.S. | 1901–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; precipitation; trend; rain; fresh water | ||
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Precipitation | Figure 2. Precipitation Worldwide | 1901–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; precipitation; trend; rain; fresh water | ||
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Precipitation | Figure 3. Change in Precipitation | 1901–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; precipitation; trend; rain; fresh water | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska | |
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Temperature | Figure 1. Temperatures in the U.S. | 1901–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; warmer; trend | ||
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Temperature | Figure 2. Temperatures Worldwide | 1901–2023 | Global | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; warmer; trend | ||
Weather and Climate | U.S. and Global Temperature | Figure 3. Rate of Temperature Change | 1901–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; weather; climate; temperature; warmer; trend | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska | |
Greenhouse Gases | U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas | 1990–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; U.S.; United States; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Greenhouse Gases | U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks by Sector | 1990–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; U.S.; United States; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Greenhouse Gases | U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Figure 3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Capita and per Dollar of GDP | 1990–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; greenhouse gas; U.S.; United States; emission; carbon dioxide | ||
Health and Society | West Nile Virus | Figure 1. West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease Cases | 2002–2023 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; West Nile; mosquito; | ||
Health and Society | West Nile Virus | Figure 2. West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease Cases by State | 2002–2023 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; society; health; West Nile; mosquito; | Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; DC; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 1. Wildfire Frequency | 1983–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | ||
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 2. Wildfire Extent | 1983–2022 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | ||
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 3. Wildfire Damage | 1984–2021 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | ||
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 4. Burned Area by State | 1984–2021 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 5. Change in Burned Area by State | 1984–2021 | U.S. by state, site, or map grid | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | Connecticut; Delaware; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; West Virginia; Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Montana; Nebraska; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Arizona; California; Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico; Utah; Alaska; Hawaii | |
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 6. Change in Burned Area, U.S. | 1984–2021 | U.S. | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest | ||
Ecosystems | Wildfires | Figure 7. Change in Burned Area, Western vs. Eastern U.S. | 1984–2021 | U.S. by region | climate change; global warming; science; indicator; data; ecosystem; fire; forest |