Baselines for Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program Facilities
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2030 Progress Track
EPA's Corrective Action Goal 5 Workgroup completed a year-long pilot project that developed and implemented procedures for adding additional facilities to the Corrective Action Progress Track (the universe of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities in the cleanup pipeline reflecting current program priorities.)
The objective is to include additional facilities where corrective action work is occurring, or planned to occur, to ensure program oversight and attention. EPA established an open season every February during which EPA will consider potential additions and subtractions to the universe of facilities. EPA keeps the current list of Progress Track facilities in the RCRAInfo database and publishes the list on the Cleanups in My Community website. You can access updated facility universe information October of each year.
Goal 5 Snapshot:
Facilities Added to RCRA Corrective Action Progress Track in Fiscal Year 2022 | 59 |
Facilities Subtracted from RCRA Corrective Action Progress Track in Fiscal Year 2023 | 22 |
Total Facilities on Fiscal Year 2024 RCRA Corrective Action Progress Track | 3,961 |
Historical Baselines
2020 Corrective Action Baseline
In 2009, the 2020 Baseline was introduced and was the next major expansion. This list represented the 3,746 facilities where EPA and the authorized states focused their attention per the 2020 cleanup goals.
- 2020 Corrective Action Baseline sorted by location (pdf) .
- 2020 Corrective Action Baseline sorted by facility name (pdf) .
Periodically, the list was updated for maintenance and quality control. In 2010, the 2020 Baseline was updated to show all 3,747 facilities and in 2013, the 2020 Baseline was updated again to reflect 3,779 total facilities.
- 2020 Corrective Action Baseline Additions and Deletions Made in 2013 (pdf) .
- 2020 Corrective Action Baseline Additions and Deletions Made in 2010 (pdf) .
2008 Corrective Action Baseline
The second RCRA Cleanup Baseline, known as the 2008 Corrective Action Baseline, represented an expanded list of 1,968 facilities at which EPA and the authorized states focused their attention from 2006 to 2008. Most of the facilities on the first Baseline were also included on the 2008 Corrective Action Baseline even though they have since been cleaned up. Facilities transferred to the Superfund program are the major exception, with the Superfund program continuing to track the EIs at these facilities.
The facilities on this list served as the basis for the Corrective Action Program's 2008 GPRA goals. The Agency continued to emphasize the protection of both human health and groundwater resources during these years, but also expanded its focus to include final remedy events. The 2008 GPRA goals were to have human exposures controlled at 95 percent of these facilities, the migration of contaminated groundwater controlled at 81 percent of these facilities, final remedy decisions made at 36 percent of these facilities, and final remedies constructed at 27 percent of these facilities. The RCRA Corrective Action program surpassed all four goals, reaching 96 percent, 83 percent, 43 percent, and 34 percent, respectively.
- 2008 Corrective Action Baseline (pdf) .
- 2008 Corrective Action Baseline sorted by state (pdf) .
- 2008 Corrective Action Baseline sorted by facility name (pdf) .
- Summary of Environmental Indicator and Final Remedy Results: 2006-2008 (pdf) .
2005 Corrective Action Baseline
In July 1999, EPA and the authorized states finalized the first RCRA Cleanup Baseline. This is a list of 1,714 facilities that were identified in the early 1990s as appropriate facilities for early cleanup when EPA and the states were prioritizing their corrective action workloads.
Because the facilities on the first RCRA Cleanup Baseline served as the basis for the Corrective Action Program’s 2005 Government Performance and Results Act goals, the list is known as the 2005 Corrective Action Baseline. Progress toward the GPRA goals was measured by two interim cleanup milestones known as the human exposures and groundwater Environmental Indicators. The Human Exposures EI measured whether or not all human exposure pathways were currently under control or blocked. The Groundwater EI measured whether or not the migration of contaminated groundwater had been stopped.
The 2005 GPRA goals aimed to have human exposures controlled at 95 percent of these facilities and the migration of contaminated groundwater controlled at 70 percent of these facilities. By the deadline of September 30, 2005, EPA surpassed both goals, reaching 96 percent and 78 percent, respectively.
- 2005 Cleanup Baseline sorted by state (pdf) .
- 2005 Cleanup Baseline sorted by facility name (pdf) .
- Summary of Environmental Indicator Results: 1997-2005 (pdf) .
- December 2005 Update: EPA Spotlights Companies that Pledged to Meet Corrective Action Environmental Indicators for 2005 (pdf) .