Technical Hazardous Waste Cleanup Training
Below you will find links to trainings that explain various aspects of the Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program and cleanup-related technical topics:
- The Environmental Response Training Program is directed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Response Team under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act to develop and present various technical and health and safety courses. Their Environmental Response Training Program Virtual University offers a variety of self-service, online training courses as well as numerous classroom courses are available across a variety of categories, including technical topics, health and safety, incident response, and many others. (Refer to Corrective Action under the RCRA tab).
- The Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information website provides information about innovative treatment and site characterization technologies to the hazardous waste remediation community. CLU-IN's ongoing series of Internet Seminars are free, web-based slide presentations with a companion audio portion.
- The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council is a state-led environmental coalition working to create innovative solutions and best management practices. ITRC's Online Training Webinars create a unique forum for the exchange of technical and regulatory information based on the content of their Team products.
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