California Dump Bucket
The California Dump Bucket creates an output file that contains any changes to California related data. These changes can come from the AQS batch data load facility (Load, Stat_CR and Post) or from the on-line maintain facilities within AQS. In any case, whenever production-level data related to California is modified, a record is written to the dump bucket table.
This tool exports these modified records to a text file that is used by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The form queries in the records in the DUMP_BUCKET table and displays them counted and grouped by export date. The displayed fields are Export Date and Record Count.
- Form Security - The Export CA Dump Bucket option is only available to AQS users in a Screening Group with a CA_DUMP_USER role.
- Form Operation - The user will click on any previously exported date, or click on NOT EXPORTED in the Export Date column. The user may export all selected records by pressing the appropriate button. The destination choices for exporting these records are Email or Online. Previously exported records can be deleted when the suer selects the desired date line and clicks Delete. Not Exported records cannot be deleted.
- Output - The output is a text file with the same format as AQS batch input transactions. A record count shows the number of records that were written. The export date in the DUMP_BUCKET table will be updated with the new export date.