How do I allow a user to load QA data?
- Example: Kathy needs to be granted permission to upload QA data as an EPA contractor for the following screening groups; can you please grant her access? Also, she will be posting lead (Pb) data for the R9 lab; I am not sure what screening group allows for that. Can you please grant her access to that as well?
- Permissions to load QA data does not work by screening group, it works by the user's agency vs an agency role assigned to the monitor. So the interesting question is, what kind of QA data will she be loading? E.g. Routine assessments - One-Point QC and Flow Rate Verifications, or transactions like Annual_PE and Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit, or PEP and NPAP or something else entirely? Also, when you say, "she will be posting lead (Pb) data for the R9 lab", do you mean filter weights for the Lead-PEP audits?
- Critical Information:
- Assigning a user to a screening group will not give the user access to submit QA data for monitors associated with that screening group.
- To be able to submit QA data for a monitor the user's agency needs to match one of the agency roles of the monitor.
- It is the monitor owner's responsibility to set up the agency roles on the monitors. Remember:
- QA data is only accessed by Agency
- Raw data accessed by Agency and Screening Group
- When we do forms, screening groups will go away
- The type of QA data (filter vs non-filter) would determine the type of agency role needed by the user to enter QA data. If the QA data is filter based, the user would need an Analyzing Agency Role. If the QA data is non-filter based (gases), the user would need to have either a Reporting, Collecting or PQAO Agency Role. The agency would need to go into each monitor and assign the role for each monitor to enable the user to load the QA data.