How do I create a new primary monitor at a site where PM2.5 monitoring has a QA collocated monitor?
- Log into AQS and connect tot he screening group that owns the QA Collocated monitor for PM2.5 at the site (there should only be one).
- On the maintain -> Monitor form, query the QA Collocated monitor.
- Click on the QA Collocation tab and add the end date for the last day that the current primary monitor will be the primary monitor and click Save.
- On the Maintain -> Monitor form, query the current primary monitor (it should be both the QA Collocation Primary and the NAAQS Primary).
- Click on the QA Collocation tab and add the end date for the last day that the current primary monitor will be the primary monitor and click Save.
- On the Maintain -> Site form query the site.
- Click on the Primary Monitor Period tab.
- On the row for the current primary monitor enter the same date as the one used above. Do NOT click save yet.
- Create a new row for the new monitor to become the Primary with a begin date one day after the end date entered above. This date must also be in an open sample period for that monitor. Click Save.
- On the Maintain -> Monitor form query the new primary monitor.
- Click on the QA Collocation tab.
- Enter the appropriate begin date for QA Collocation to start and 'Y' in the Primary Monitor column. Click Save.
- On the Maintain -> Monitor form query the QA Collocated monitor.
- Click on the QA Collocation tab and create a new row.
- Enter the same begin date as was entered for the primary and 'N' in the Primary Monitor column.
- Enter the distance from the primary monitor then click Save and you are done.
Note: If any of the monitors above is owned by a different screening group you will need to connect to that screening group before proceeding with access to that monitor.