How do I reactivate monitoring at a site?
The following procedure is only needed if monitoring occurred for the pollutant of interest at the site previously and was stopped for all the monitors at the site for that pollutant.
- Log into AQS and connect to the screening group that owns the primary monitor at the site.
- Click on the Maintain -> Site menu pick and then query in the site where monitoring is to be restarted.
- Click on the "Primary Monitor Periods" tab and click on the most recent row (i.e. row with the most recent begin and end dates) for the pollutant.
- On that row make note of the end date and then delete the end date and click Save.
- Enter the same begin date as was entered for the primary.
- Click on the Maintain -> Monitor menu pick.
- If the old primary monitor is to be restarted, query the old monitor, and create new rows for each appropriate tab with begin dates, and click Save after all have been entered. "Appropriate" here means that the monitor needs that metadata type. For instance, not all monitors need a network affiliation.
- If a primary monitor (i.e. different POC) needs to be created then create it with the standard process and click Save.
- Click on the Maintain -> Site menu pick and query the site again.
- Re-enter the prior end date on that row.
- Click on the create record icon (plus sign) to insert a new row.
- For that row enter the parameter code, the POC, the new sample period and start date and then click Save.
Note: The order of steps above is essential. If you do the steps in another order they will not work.