When exactly does it matter what information has been added to the Maintain -> Site -> Primary Monitor Periods screen?
- First, for PM2.5, Ozone and Lead the regulations require a monitor for those parameters to be designated as the "Primary" at every site where a monitor for the parameter is located. Right now the first monitor that the user creates for the parameter will automatically become the primary.
- For PM10, the user is allowed, but not required, to create a "Composite Primary" where data from two intermittent method (i.e. filter based) monitors will be combined to create a single data stream for calculating the Design Value for the site.
- If the Primary monitor period is obsolete and does not reflect the real world configuration, all AQS reports shoul run but the Design Value report and the Certification Evaluation report (AMP600) should run but may calculate incorrect statistics.
- AQS should not allow overlapping primary monitor periods for a site-parameter. However, if they exist, POST has been observed to crash and prevent the users' data from becoming "Production Status" (i.e. it is there at a "pre-production" status but will not be used by any of the reports).
- For the above parameters, AQS should not allow a period where a monitor for a site parameter is operating but there is no Primary Monitor Period for those days. However, if it does happen then POST may crash and the reports for that site-parameter may not run.